Whilst writing this list, The Cure decided to play on my I-pod shuffle and I just felt the overwhelming need to listen to all of thier songs. They are amazing. As my diary was in close reach I also felt the need to write about them, one thing lead to another and before I knew it, I'd practically written an essay.
Once complete, I read through and was rather pleased- I say rather pleased I mean I was allmost contemplating becoming a music reviewer! So now I have a blog just like that, I may aswell write up my 'Cure review'. So, here it is... enjoy!
When it comes to The Cure's 'Wish' album and the lyrics to Disintergration I just have to stop what I'm doing and try not to cry. This happens for pretty much all of thier songs and I would very strongly say they are my favourite band. Allthough I love a ridiculous amount of musicians- Maximo Park, Oasis and Foo Fighters to name but a few, and allthough I become obsessed with a ridiculous amount of musicians- Pete Doherty, Carl Barat and Serge Pizzorno for example, and overall, I become obsessed by the lyrics of a ridiculous amount of musician, e.g. The Smiths, Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Mumford and Sons- the ridiculous amount that I feel all of this for The Cure, plus alot more such as Robert Smith's emotional voice and the instruments atmospheric sound, overpowers the love of all others. To the extent where I am in the midst of making a Cure tee-shirt and I constantly feel the need to five star pretty much all of thier songs on my I-pod, simply as honour and comfort. I have over 10 favourite Cure songs and I haven't even heard them all- most are about love, which could be classed as an easy thing to write about- but it's not easy to make each love song wonderfull and significantly different like they do- and not only be able to, ontop of that, provoke such feeling, such thought and such vivid pictures with words and sounds alone. When listening to them, I believe every word Robert sings. They aren't just musicians, they are story tellers.
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