I'm eating cheerios [they are amazing], looking at old photos of Christams and listening to the Foo Fighters album 'In Your Honour' *Lyric Of The Day: "Dancing on the bones of my dirty past" ..that combination makes me feel rather happy- plus Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins are gorgeous!
Anyway, moving on from that ridiculousness to Nick Grimshaw- I absolutetly adore him, I think he's a complete love, not to mention his wonderfull accent and his friendship with Henry Holland
[Whom I fancy the pants off, even though I know he's gay]
Anyway, whilst listening to Grimmy's excellent interiew with the Klaxons (oioi) I decided to do a bit of Google Image stalking and came across an adorable photo of him riding a woman's vintage bike. I know he may not look his very, very best but how fantastic are his boots and wicker basket!?,,,
partialy inspired by that beauty, but mainly because I quite fancied an AC/DC album, I decided to cycle to my local library, also in a black and white stripy top-cause I'm so rock n roll- really it's cause 1 CD's only like 98p and three are £1.50- bargain! And I think my lovely bicycle needs more public airing, I do allways feel like I should be transporting ET in the basket though...
So I was happily cycling along by the sea in a retro Damon Albarn style jacket and sparkly shoes, when it started to rain. It got heavier and heavier then pretty soon I realised I was practically stuck in a torrential downpour, not good. I arrived at the calm and quiet library, after having to shamefully push my bike up a very lighty steep 'ramp' in a cocophony of drenched, flustered, fustrated and quite frankly, embarrased mess then having to discretely check my homeless dog type reflection, in the back of a Red Hot Chili Peppers CD for dribbled mascara. Deary me. I decided to stay to try and dry off and wait for the rain to stop- it didn't. So I looked at the September Issue of Vogue, glanced at Q magazine and read an old Nirvana interview. It turned out to be rather enjoyable because there was a cute old lady sheltering from the 'monsoon' who kept giggling at a 'Things That Grumpy Old Men Do' book... and I think I fancy Kate Moss.
After years of hating her I've decided she's amazing at her job, allthough her mouth is allways slightly open, it is a good pose, I'm not sure if I've ever seen a bad photo of her and she's able to make girls want to wear the clothes she does- when she does decide to get dressed- and I can't not mention her spectacular taste in men- Pete Doherty and Johnny Depp <3
She's naturally beautiful, has lovely hair and must be everywhere for a reason.
I can't explain my jelousy. On a final note- Freja Beha is my new favourite model, I just can't get enough. She has a brilliant mouth and I love the way she stares into the camera like a lost child, she is able to make anything look good with her face and hair alone. Basically she's hot stuff!
And after Google Image stalking Pete Dohery, again, I discovered he went out with [or is going out with?] the model Irina Lazareanu, who I have loved for ages just without knowing anything about her, lucky lucky. I really like her innocent and fragileness...
finally, if any of you like lips, polaroids, friends and bedrooms- your in luck...
Because I found a wonderful website thingy
Sorry this blog was so outrageously long! And cheesey.