Saturday, 18 September 2010

It started with a spotty sock

Well, this has been my life of recent times...

Beginning with a ripped tartan sock one outfit change lead to another,

Before I knew it, I'd started on the stripy tights

And then there were the props and I was off, it all went to my head...

The volume wasn't meant to be that extreme but when discovering the excess of my shoe and sock collection I got slightly over excited.

And then this happened:

Followed by these...

The ludicrous thing is, I can barely ride a bike without encountering a near death disaster

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Radiohead, again

Hello, Bouquet of Barbed Wire was amazing last night! basically the pretty posh girl's dad arranged for her husband (the attractive creep with stuble) to get stabbed in the back with some kitchen scissors and there were more wierd affairs and more talk of someone mysterious called Paula...

But more importantly, I just listened to a thingy about Radiohead, allthough I'm aware of my tendencies to obsess over things then blog about them in a slightly cheesy way, I also think I've mentioned things similar to this before but Radiohead's music is just like being hit by a huge wave of emotion and meaning that I can't even describe or understand.
Esspecially when Thom Yorke says things as beautiful this: "I cried when I heard 'There There'. Blubbed my eyes out for ages, I just thought it was the best thing we had ever done"
And as for Jigsaw Falling Into Place... well,, it's magic.

I know that similar to the other Radiohead blog, my photo (this time of a pretty cieling) has no corrolation to what I was on about but nevermind, I'm going to watch This Is England now =)

Monday, 13 September 2010

Fashion Mistakes

Hello =) Sorry I haven't written a blog in aages! Basically, I bought some leapord print tights. It was most probably a rather large mistake.

The words leapord and print instantly scream either charv or wrong so the purchase was definitely a risk, hopefully if I wear them with converse or brogues it will look better than a tracksuit top and a luminous pink vest. Not that I have anything personal against chavs, joggers are very comfy in the privacy of your own home and I have seen one put litter in the bin before, which was quite beautiful,
I just can't properly focus because Boquet of Barbed Wire starts in roughly 3 minutes- I recorded one episode because the name was intriguing. To be fair it's sort of strange but god I'm completetly hooked... right, It's on, I'll finish this later, but here are my tights again... bye x