words cannot express the way the cure's music makes me feel, the lyrics and the rythm flourish emotions within me i never knew sound or words could produce. my relationship with thier songs was love at first listen and ever since that discovery my respect, understanding and admiration towards the cure has simply increased, no other band can come close to them in my opinion and everytime i listen which is usually everyday, the songs produce images in my mind and feeling in my heart. the cure alone have got me through the most difficult times in my life and without them i would feel totaly lost. i know for a fact that i am not the only one who thinks this so when i heard about them headlining bestival i am not afraid to say that i cried and my cheeks are still damp now. i was crying because words fail to describe how happy the news made me feel- the cure live would be magic, it would be a dream because their music is- the realisation then hit me that i, and i'm sure alot of others, will not be able to afford tickets. in this world of disaster we all need something to look forward to, happiness and redemption to keep us going but because of wealthy privaledge that can get ripped away. i am aware this sounds like winging and i know there is nothing that can come out from this comment but little else than the cure has allowed me to feel so much emotion before and i just pray that this message can somehow reach some one that could try and make a difference or atleast understand. after a multitude of dissapointments and struggle my (and other people's) ema will stop next year, i don't have time for a job- i shouldn't need to make time for a job, basically there is almost no chance i will be able to go and i'm beginning to see this as a once in a lifetime opportunity, that i and others will miss- due to money. this is ridiculous. when did it become ok for money to destroy opportunity and more importantly allow boundries into music?
that may have been similar in parts to my first cure blog and sorry also if i sounded greedy and that it was written in a huge chunk but judging by the context i think you can guess i'm feeling a tad emotional, i also have been meaning to write several blogs since october and it's now practically christams but i'm quite sleepy and want some warm black currant so night night x
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